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Request Woodchips or Wood Logs


Please fill out the online form to sign up for free woodchip or unprocessed wood logs delivery. 

*By signing up for woodchip delivery you agree to the following terms & conditions:

  • No guarantee that wood chips or logs can be picked up or moved after being delivered. If this is requested, a charge of up to $400 will be billed and must be paid before this pick up can be done. 

  • Wood logs are unprocessed, usually hardwood, left at varying lengths. These are not cut to length or split, but are free of charge. 

  • It is advised that the delivery be made to a clear driveway. Any lawn or turf damage that results from this service is not the responsibility of CTC. 

  • Woodchips cannot be delivered to public property, including roads, sidewalks, and shared parks. 

  • You may receive communications concerning your delivery request from CTC staff. 

  • Please have any vehicles and obstacles moved ahead of the expected delivery date. 

Thanks for submitting!

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